Integrated Management of PDS Public Distribution System in AP and TS States States AP ePDS ePOS

IM-PDS National Portability in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States for Ration distribution :
The Government of India have commenced “Integrated Management of Public Distribution System (IM-PDS)” scheme with primary aim to introducing National Portability of ration card in PDS operations and issued the guidelines for pilot implementation of national portability in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States. The National Portability, the NFSA ration cardholder can draw essential commodities from ePos enabled FP Shop in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States of having his / her ration card number in NFSA dynamic key register of a particular FP Shop.

Objective of National Portability :
  • To implement nationwide portability of benefits for ration card holders under NFSA, to lift their entitlement food grains from any FPS in the country (In Phase -1 Andhra Pradesh and Telangana NFSA cards only)
Eligibility of beneficiaries for National Portability :
  • All beneficiaries covered under NFSA shall be eligible, except those tagged to un-automated FP Shops and those covered under state government schemes.
  • Aadhaar number of at least the beneficiary should be seeded with his / her ration card.
  • The household of the beneficiary shall not have more than one ration card.
  • Name of any beneficiary of the concerned ration card is not appearing in more than one ration card.
  • Commodities, scale of issue and issue prices under national portability :
  • Food grains i.e., rice, wheat and coarse-grains shall be issued at the same scale and central issue prices as under NFSA.
  • Combination / ratio of Food grains (i.e., rice, wheat and coarse-grains) shall be same as applicable for distribution under PDS in the destination state.
  • In case of states distributing wheat-flour (Atta) instead of wheat, wheat flour would be distributed to the portability beneficiaries at a price fixed by the concerned state for distribution of wheat flour
  • Destination state may consider at their discretion to allow the lifting of Food grains by such beneficiaries at the scale of issue in terms of quantity / commodity  or issue price applicable for same category of beneficiaries in the destination state without any financial implication of GOI.
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