Sanction of leaves G.O.MS.No.201 Powers to RDO’s and Tahsildars for sanction of leaves to the Subordinate Officers

Delegation of powers to Revenue Divisional Officers and Tahsildars for sanction of leaves to the Subordinate Officers vide G.O.MS.No.201, dated:23.04.2013
The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA),Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has issued orders based on the representation of Telangana Revenue Employees Service Association. In this order Revenue employees working in the Mandal level has to obtain sanction of Earned Leave from the District Collectors which is causing much inconvenience to the Revenue employees for that the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration to delegate the powers to the officers like Tahsildars and Revenue Divisional Officers to sanction Earned Leave/Surrender Leave as per eligibility upto three months to the working staff who is under their control ie., Deputy Tahsildar, Revenue Inspector, Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist, Village Revenue Officer and some other Sub-ordinates. The The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA) After examining the issue, power are hereby delegated to Revenue Divisional Officers and Tahsildars in the State to sanction of (15) days Sunder Leave per annum and sanction of Earned Leave and other types of leaves upto three months to the staff working Who is under their control
Download sanction of Earned Leave or Surrender Leave G.O.MS.No.201, dated:23.04.2013

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  1. The site is very use full all the employees and students. Keepon going vijay teacher jangaon, warangal district

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