NTRUHS PG Medical Degree and Diploma Courses 2013-2014 Online Applications at http://www.pgntruhs.org
Dr.NTR University Of Health Sciences, Vijayawada are invited online application forms for the courses of PG Medical Degree and Diploma for the Academic year 2013-2014 .The NTRUHS PG Medical Degree and Diploma Courses 2013-2014 (NTRUHS PGMET 2013-2014) online Application starts from 09.02.2013 (Saturday) 01:00 PM To 15.02.2013 (Friday) 05:00PM at http://www.pgntruhs.org official website. Last date for submission Printout of filled-in application is 18.02.2013 (Monday) upto 05:00PM. Send the filled applications
The Convener,
PG Admissions Committee,
Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences,
The NTRUHS PG Medical Degree and Diploma Courses 2013-2014 Examination Hall Tickets are available for download at http://www.pgntruhs.org From 13.03.2013 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM to 14.03.2013 (Thursday) 05.00 PM. Date and Time of Entrance Test is 17.03.2013 (SUNDAY) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM at below test centres

The Convener,
PG Admissions Committee,
Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences,
The NTRUHS PG Medical Degree and Diploma Courses 2013-2014 Examination Hall Tickets are available for download at http://www.pgntruhs.org From 13.03.2013 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM to 14.03.2013 (Thursday) 05.00 PM. Date and Time of Entrance Test is 17.03.2013 (SUNDAY) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM at below test centres
- Hyderabad.
- Secunderabad
- Warangal
- Visakhapatnam
- Kakinada
- Guntur
- Tirupati
- Kurnool
- Vijayawada only
NTRUHS 2013 PGMET Online Application Forms