AP integrated common entrance test (APICET 2012) Notification declared
The APICET notification 2012 for admissions into MCA and MBA professional courses for the academic year 2012-2013 . The ICET 2012 examination are going to conduct on 18.05.2012. The Candidates can be apply for the ICET 2012 examination through online applications and offline application form mode. For applying online the candidate have to pay fee in any aponline or eseva centers through out state. The person who is going to apply for apicet 2012 examination are firstly read and go through the notification. The icet 2012 notification and website is www.icet2012.net and counselling website is http://apicet.nic.in/ . The complete incet 2012 details about ICET 2012 Notification, ICET 2012 examination dates , ICET- 2012 online applications forms, Icet counselling schedule 2012 details , ICET 2012 Results and Ranks. Download Here
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