Apply Online to UC
Follow seven easy steps ton get prepared, then get online.A world-class UC education awaits. See Inside.

- Gather your information first Having everything you’ll need in hand before you start your
application means you won’t be stuck trying to geta copy of your transcript on the last day. Use the checklist at right as your guide. - Research your major options There may be different degree programs at several UC campuses that can get you to your career goal; knowing what they are will give you more options when you apply. Check which majors are open in a given term at campu s major s links
UCSC - Apply broadly All UC-eligible California residents who apply on time will be offered admission at one of the University’s nine undergraduate campuses, but not necessarily at their campus of choice. Students who research and apply to several campuses are morelikely to be admitted to a campus they know they want to attend.
Go to* - Pick an e-mail address and stick with it Campuses e-mail applicants regularly to request or clarify information; they often need a quick response. Provide an e-mail address that you’ll check regularly and keep until you enroll. Update your spam filters to ensure that you receive all UC communications.
- Take the online application virtual tour Walk through each step to get answers to common questions. (Once you start your application, you can jump to the tour by clicking the “show
me how” link within each step.) Go to - Write your personal statement in advanceYour personal statement—consisting of responses to two prompts—is your chance to tell us who you are and what’s important to you. Think of it as your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading your application. Be open, be honest, be real. What you tell us in your personal statement gives readers the context to better understand the rest of the information you’ve provided in your application. A couple of tips: Read each prompt carefully and be sure to respond to all parts. Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make. Take time to write, rewrite and edit. Show it to a teacher, counselor or friend for comments, but make sure the words you use are your own. Finally, relax. This is one of many pieces of information we considerin reviewing your application; an admission decision will not be based on your personal statement alone.
important Dates and Deadlines
October Online application opens for fall 2010. Go to
Nov. 1‑30 Filing period for fall 2010. Applications must besubmitted by 11:59 p.m. Nov. 30.
Jan. 1 Filing period opens for GPA Verification Form(required of California residents for Cal Grant consideration) and Free Application for Federal Student Aid.Go to
January Transfer applicants report final grades and any additional coursework online at
March 1 Notification of fall 2010 admission decisions begins. Continues through March 31 for freshman applicants, and through May 1 for transfer applicants.
March 2 Deadline for applicants for all terms to submit FAFSA and GPA Verification Form.
May 1 Deadline for fall 2010 freshman applicants to submit Statement of Intent to Register to chosen campus.
June 1 Deadline for fall 2010 transfer applicants to submit Statement of Intent to Register to chosen campus.
July 1‑31 Filing period for winter quarter 2011 (and spring semester 2011 at Merced; Berkeley does not accept new applicants in spring). See for current openings by campus.
July 15 Final official transcripts due at campus Admissions Offices for students admitted for fall 2010.
For More Details CLICK HERE
Key Words :
uc application online, uc application login, uc admissions application, uc, uc applications , uc admissions application, uc application, usc admissions, ucla admissions, uc applications ,
October Online application opens for fall 2010. Go to
Nov. 1‑30 Filing period for fall 2010. Applications must besubmitted by 11:59 p.m. Nov. 30.
Jan. 1 Filing period opens for GPA Verification Form(required of California residents for Cal Grant consideration) and Free Application for Federal Student Aid.Go to
January Transfer applicants report final grades and any additional coursework online at
March 1 Notification of fall 2010 admission decisions begins. Continues through March 31 for freshman applicants, and through May 1 for transfer applicants.
March 2 Deadline for applicants for all terms to submit FAFSA and GPA Verification Form.
May 1 Deadline for fall 2010 freshman applicants to submit Statement of Intent to Register to chosen campus.
June 1 Deadline for fall 2010 transfer applicants to submit Statement of Intent to Register to chosen campus.
July 1‑31 Filing period for winter quarter 2011 (and spring semester 2011 at Merced; Berkeley does not accept new applicants in spring). See for current openings by campus.
July 15 Final official transcripts due at campus Admissions Offices for students admitted for fall 2010.
For More Details CLICK HERE
Key Words :
uc application online, uc application login, uc admissions application, uc, uc applications , uc admissions application, uc application, usc admissions, ucla admissions, uc applications ,