Tamil Nadu School Education Department Pallikalvi will publish results of the higher secondary examinations written by candidates privately in September/October 2009 on Nov 5. The candidates can obtain the mark sheets from examination centres concerned between November 9 and 11.
Applications for photocopy or
re-totalling would be made available from November 11 and 13 at all Chief Educational Officers’ office. The last date for submitting the applications would be November 13.
For Results: CLICK HERE

Tags: 2009 TamilNadu Secondary school Results, Chief Educational Officer, Higher Secondary school Results, Higher Secondary school Results 2009, Hsc Results, last date for retotalling, private higher school results, private Secondary school results, results 2009, sslc results, tamil nadu anna university results, tamil nadu exam result, tamil nadu exams, tamil nadu hsc results chennai tamil nadu, tamil nadu kerala, tamil nadu nic, Tamil Nadu Private Higher Secondary Results Sept 2009, tamil nadu sslc result, TamilNadu Private Higher Secondary school Results, tamilnadu results 2009, Tamilnadu School Exam Results, Tamilnadu School Exam Results 2009, TamilNadu Secondary school Results, TamilNadu Secondary school Results 2009, TN Board Results, TN Higher Secondary school Results, tn Private Higher Secondary Results, tn private Secondary school results, TN results, TN results 2009, tn school results, TN Secondary school Results, www.pallikalvi.in , tnpsc, sarkari naukari, cgpsc, epfo result 2009, himachal gramin bank sslc results tamilnadu, squarebrothers, ssc, square brothers madras university results, squarebrothers results , pallikalvi, kalvimalar, tnpsc, ssc, sslc results tamilnadu , tnpsc, 10th result, kalvimalar, sslc results tamilnadu, iith , madras university, madras university distance education results, madras university distance education results 2009, madras university distance education mba results 2009, southindia.