For Challan CLICK HERE
Three hundred and twenty nine (329) : UR . 165, OBC . 89,SC . 52, ST . 23
Preference will be given to Displaced Persons of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. However Displaced Persons of VSP need not apply against this advertisement since the list of all the eligible Displaced Persons registered with Sub- Employment Exchange, Gajuwaka will be obtained from the Sub-Employment Exchange and they will be considered.
Fourteen (14) posts out of the above are reserved for PWD category as under:
i) Partially Blind . 6 (including 2 backlog vacancies)
ii) Hearing Impaired . 5 (including 2 backlog vacancies)
ii) Orthopaedically Handicapped (40% to 74% disability) . 3
Reservation for Meritorious Sportspersons/ Ex-Servicemen (including dependents of those killed in action) will be given as per rules.
How to Apply
STEP 1: Log on to www.vizagsteel.com go to the link Recruitment and click on .Recruitment of Junior Trainees.
STEP 2: Read CAREFULLY all the instructions given on the website. ENSURE that you are eligible for the post in all respects.
STEP 3: Have counterfoil of Challan of Application fees in hand. Applications will not be registered without the details of Journal Number, Branch Code no., City and date of deposit. (This is not required for SC/ST/PWD candidates)
STEP 4: Fill in the Online Application Form carefully with your particulars.
STEP 5: After you click SUBMIT, verify that you have fed all your particulars correctly. Download the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details with space for passport size photograph and signature. Take a print of the Registration Slip on thick white A4 size paper, affix and self-attest your passport size color photograph, and sign on the Registration Slip at the space provided. Please retain two identical photographs to be used at the time of written test/interview (Change of photograph at the time of written test/ interview shall render the applicant ineligible).
STEP 6: Send the following by SPEED POST to Application Collection Center, First floor, C-217, Sector-63, Noida-201307, Uttar Pradesh so as to reach latest by 22.10.2009:
i) The Original Registration Slip with photograph affixed and self-attested.
ii) VSP copy of Application fees Challan (not required for SC/ST/PWD candidates). At the reverse side of the Challan write your Registration no. and Branch.
STEP 7: Please superscribe the envelope- .APPLICATION FOR THE POST of JUNIOR TRAINEE . Branch ____________________..
STEP 8: Candidates should not enclose copies of certificates pertaining to their date of birth or category (SC/ST/OBC/ Ex-Servicemen/ Meritorious Sportsperson) or disability (PWD) or educational qualifications along with their registration slip.
STEP 9: The online registration site will be open from 25.9.2009 to 15.102009.
For More Details CLICK HERE
For Challan CLICK HERE
Wow... Thank you for Your valuable information Dude....