For More Details: http://www.apeamcet.nic.in/ CLICK HERE
Procedure for Web Based Counseling: If you are qualified candidate of EAMCET-2009, you must go through the following steps for allotment of seat.
I. Registration at Help Line Centre. II. Certificate Verification at Help Line Centre. III. Briefing at Help Line Centres. IV. Preparatory Activity. V. Exercising Options on Web. VI. Allotment of Seat and Payment of Fee.
Non-CET Minority Candidates ( Not Qualified & Not Appeared) who have applied to Convenor can attend on the last day of Schedule 02.08.2009(EAMCET)) for Certificate Verification to opt for Leftover Minority Seat.
I. Registration at Help Line Centre: 1) Report at Any one of the Help Line Centres convenient to you as per the schedule given below for Certificate Verification. 2) Handover the Rank Card at Entrance. 3) Pay Registration Fee of Rs. 200/- and Obtain Receipt. 4) Sign in the Register 5) Collect Registration-Cum-Verification Form. 6) Proceed to Verification Hall for Certificate Verification.
II. Certificate Verification at Help Line Centre: You should attend for Certificate Verification in any one of the Help Line Centres indicated below as per the Schedule given under with all Original Certificates at 9.00 A.M.
III.However, Certificate Verification for Candidates claiming Reservation under Special Categories, i.e. PH, CAP, NCC, Sports & Games, Anglo Indian will be held at Sanketika Vidya Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad.